Just as crucial as onboarding, the offboarding process gives departing HMS employees and their managers the opportunity to share information, process essential paperwork, and make the transition as smooth as possible. The departure process ensures that employees and managers are prepared for an employee’s last day of work. This process will also need to be followed in order to ensure the staff member is properly deactivated from all necessary systems.
What You Need to Know
As a Department Administrator or Supervisor, what is the first step I should take if an employee informs me they are leaving?
The first thing you should do is obtain written documentation from the employee stating their intended end date. If you do not have this, please ask the employee for this documentation. To begin the departure process, you will need to attach the letter to a termination JCDF.
Will the employee be asked to participate in an Exit Interview by Human Resources?
Yes, once you have forwarded the etad and documentation to your HR Coordinator, they will reach out to the employee to schedule an Exit Interview. The Exit Interview is a time for the employee to reflect on his or her experience with Harvard, and to review details such as how the employee’s final paycheck is processed, benefits/COBRA information and what happens with their unused paid time off bank.
What will I need to collect from the employee on their last day?
Please be sure to collect any items that are University property such as Harvard ID cards, keys, laptop computers, PCards, Corporate Cards and any other items that are applicable. Please note all PCards, Corporate Cards, and Harvard IDcards will need to be shredded. Please send an email to Christine Jones regarding PCards, letting them know of the discontinued use. Please make sure the Corporate Card balance is fully reconciled, cancel any recurring charges to either type of card. You will need to continue to monitor PCard activity for several months.
Will I need to work with the employee to transfer any electronic documents with University or department information to a shared space?
Yes. Prior to the employee’s departure date, you should work with the employee to migrate any pertinent electronic documents with University or department information, stored in the employee’s email account or in their Home folder, to a departmental shared drive. This will ensure the department has access to all the documents and information needed for the course of business after the employee’s departure from HMS. Upon the departure of an employee, access to any electronic documents with University or department information saved within an employee’s email account or in their Home folder, will be restricted. If the information is not transferred prior to departure and access becomes restricted, the department will need to submit a special request to their Human Resources Consultant (HRC) outlining the specific information that is needed, the reason it is needed, and the business purpose it will fulfill. Access will only be granted if approved by the Electronic Access Committee. If the request is approved, only the HRC will have file/email access and will work with the department to retrieve the specific requested information. All requests for access will be documented. The employee should be aware that he or she should remove any personal electronic information from all University systems.
Please note: Per Harvard University’s Enterprise Information Security Policy, High Risk Confidential Information (HRCI) should not be saved/stored on any individual user computer or portable storage device, however, in the case where an employee’s position requires them to work with HRCI, please work with employee and IT to ensure all HRCI is removed from all applicable places.
What will happen to the employee’s systems and email access?
The employee’s systems access will be terminated effective his or her termination date. He or she will retain access to PeopleSoft Self Service for 30 days in order to view his or her personal information. Employees should post an approved out of office message stating their departure from HMS and contact information for any new incoming HMS related emails. Please see below for examples:
A. Betty Sue no longer works at HMS. Please direct all business inquires to Lucy Lu (Lucy_Lu@hms.harvard.edu).
B. Hello, thank you for your message. I am no longer employed at HMS as of 01/01/14. For all business related emails please contact Lucy Lu at Lucy_Lu@hms.harvard.edu or 617-123-4567. To reach me personally – Betty_Sue@anyemail.com.
Will the employee’s time need to be approved?
Yes, please approve the employee’s final time in PeopleSoft, and reconcile any vacation time or absences. They will receive a final paycheck in the course of the regular paycheck timeline which will include any unpaid vacation and longer service time if applicable.
When will the employee’s building access be deactivated?
The employee’s building swipe access will be deactivated effective their termination date. In order to ensure building access is deactivated completely, please collect and shred their Harvard ID badge.
Please note: The situation will vary based on whether the individual is leaving the University or transferring schools within the University. If the employee is leaving the University, please collect their Harvard ID. If the employee is transferring to a different school within the University, please work with the ID Office located in the Kresge Building (432-0389) in order to deactivate any department specific access. General HMS building access will vary based on the affiliation of where within the University the employee is transferring.
Is it possible for an employee to take a vacation day as their last day?
If an employee is leaving the University, they must be physically in the office or working remotely on their last day.
Who should I contact if I have any further questions about the departure process?
Please reach out to your Human Resources Consultant or Human Resources Coordinator with any questions regarding the process. You can find a list of HMS Human Resources contact information here.